
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Little Prince, Chapter 6

In the comment section, write the following:

  1. One sentence chapter summary.
  2. Any questions you have so far.
  3. Five (5) Vocabulary words.


  1. In this Chapter 6 he talking about reveals that he loves sunsets,and narrator has to explain to him that on Earth, sunsets only happen in the evenings.
    In addition, everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun
    is setting over France.


    In this chapter I just find the one word new to me.

  2. 1)
    the little prince and the narrator talk about sunsets and the narrator said that to the little prince when someone was sad ,then see the sunsets he/she fell better.Also the little prince said that he is seeing the sunsets 44 times in a day in his planet.

    2)my questions: why he saw the sunsets 44 times on one day?
    3) new words:just 2 new words

  3. 1.The little prince want someone to accompany him to watch the sunset together.
    2.why the little prince can saw the sunsets 44 times on one day?

  4. 1/ In this chapter : the author remember when he was with the little prince, he was very sad and the author didn't realize it, but he realize that slowly when little prince spend time to look at the sunset and one day he watch the sunset for 44 times.

    2/ How it can be saw the sunsets for 44 times on one day?

    3/ -Entertainment.

  5. 1. In this chapter,the little Prince said to the author that he loves sunset and he saw the sunset for forty-four times in a day.Then, the author explains him that when a person is sad , he loves sunset.

    2. How did he see the sunset for 44 times?

    3. Twilight.

  6. The narrator talk with the little prince about why the little prince is sad and the reason behind that is the sunsets because the sunset was only the things that make the little prince happy. Also, they talk about the differences between the time in the United States and France.
    My question is how did he see the sunset for 44 times?
    I have 2 new words that are new for me

  7. He used to talk too much about France and he tried to express his feeling by saying: one loves the sunset, when one is so sad.
