
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

what is the best vacation you have been on and why?

       The best vacation I had when I went with my two best friends to New York. It was in the last summer vacation. We have been there for one week. Clearly, It was best vacation since I came to the U.S. Most of the people in the world the like to visit New York, but for me , if i will have another vacation I will visit it as many as I can. There are a lot of brand cloths, nice area and parks. But the best interesting thing is the Statue of Liberty. Also, that was my dream to visit New York , but I already achieved.


  1. How many day you guys spend there.

  2. i remember your vacation , i was with you. it was interesting.

  3. How much money it cost you for these five days?

  4. it cost 2000$ . NEW YORK is very expensive. if you want to go there you have to have a lot of money.

    1. Yeah, It was coast 2000$ , but we had fun.Especially you enjoyed more than us. You went to starbucks after that you came back to our bedroom hahahahah. Is that right ;)

  5. Which parts did you see? I was born in Brooklyn :)

    1. well that was around times square and Statue of Liberty and central park.
