
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Assignment #5

Do you agree or disagree with the following quote:

"It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

  • Why?
  • Give one or two examples to support your opinion.


  1. Yes, I agree with it
    For example; love, friendships is invisible to the eye , but we can feel it and from that we can see people more deeply and know if they are good or not.
    On other example beauty is invisible but the personality which is the most important is invisible.

  2. would you please explain the sentence because i found it complicated.

    1. Basically what the author is saying those things which are truly important are not things that can be seen. Does that help?

  3. Yes, I agree with that
    For Example : when people give us a good quote maybe It's a good wisdom and we can used in we our life.

  4. yes I totally agree with this

    for example, emotion and feeling are invisible but at same time we can feel it. therefore, human beings around the world are moving by their emotions and their feelings. all these things not only control our lives but also can makes our lives more interesting such as happiness, sadness we can not see them but we feel it strongly and we cannot live without these invisible things because without them life does not have meaningful or valuable.

  5. I agree with that.
    For Example: people make me think deeply for what they're mean for their quotes and make my brain work !

  6. Yes I agree with that.
    For example the mother love to her children is invisible. She can feel her kids. That is the love that cannot be heard but can only be felt.

  7. I really agree with that, for example : people when they fall in love it has nothing to do with there eyes , Its mostly about there feelings.
