I'm not really into art but what I think Art are really important things , painting,drawing and music.
Nowadays people try to express there feeling by art instad of showing happiness , anger or love .
There are many ways for that. In my personal opinion I like to listen to music while
I'm happy , sad or bored its all about people and there way of expressing there feelings.
Also, some people likes to draw emotional drawing to show how do they feel. Such as sad draw or
a happy one . What makes art an important thing is the secret of it . If you understand what dose it mean then you might love it.
Painting, Is one of the hardest thing to understand i guess ! because there are so many colors and
you don't know about what it means unless you studied it, Ether way if its about happiness or sadness .
So what I really think about Art is an important thing to express people feelings especially
for the people who cannot talk or shear their feeling by talking they could use art or something else
to shear there happiness or sadness .
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