
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My story

500 years ago, there are many people were poor they were living in village.They were really friendly everybody know everybody.One day, the evil king came to visited that village. So he destroyed every things and started to made fun of  the people who lives in the village. At that time, there is a man was living in the forest. He loves goodness for everybody but not any more he started to make trouble for everyone. He went the village and he saw the evil king. He tried many times to kill him because the evil king killed his family. So he want the evil pay back and he is going to kill him. He made a lot of plans but on of his planing he want to kill the evil king across the poor people in their village  to live on safe. So he have to kill him by the capital  punishment in front of everybody. He went to talked with poor people to agree with him. In the end the evil king came to their village , and the killed the evil king.


  1. Mohammad, is that story from real world, because if it is then i will love to read it.
