are the differences between children and adults?
There are a lot of many things
different between children and adults such as the children respect the adults.
The important thing is the children should listen to adults, because the adults
have more responsibility more than children. Should between of them respect
each other, and encourage the children to achieve their dreams. The different
between them is responsibility , games and take care about their house.
The first different is the adults
are serous more than children. For example; the adults have a lot of experience
about their life. Likewise if they want to open a new business they know what
his would do. But the children, they didn’t know about any works, because they
are still a child. On other hands, most children they wand do like the adults.
The second different is the children
they like to play any adventures games such as the adults they like to play
challenge game like soccer. However, the children are more sociable more than
adults. For example; they like to kidding with each other, but it is become
dangerous for them because most of games are dangerous for them, For example;
when they play any war game they will become excited to try that.
The last
different is adults they take care about their house more than children. For
example; the hospitality. Also, the adults have control more than children so
the children should listen to the adults.
To sum up, everyone has dreams , but
the children have interesting dreams. So should adults listen to their dreams
maybe it will become benefit for future.We have to encourage them to achieve
their dream. Children should listen to the adults. Also, they should to respect
each other.
Nomas you have a wonderful emotions about both ways.
ReplyDeletegood job I think Ms. tahreim will give you good grate.