
Monday, June 17, 2013

the little prince

The little prince is the a fictional story,but it is interesting for both children and adults.In the first chapter the Author tolled us that is different between Children's imagination imagination adults for example, when the author was child and he draw a hat and asked the adults whether his drawn Scarring or not .the adults didn't see his drawn as what he means.Then, the author became pilot
Second , the Pilot fall on the little prince's planet because his airplane was Disrupt. Then the pilot meat the little prince and the little prince was too happy because he was living alone ,but when he meat the pilot he felt to happy and he asked the pilot many questions.After that the pilot  Realized that he fall on the wrong planet. The little prince asked the pilot to draw to him a sheep.Then the pilot tried to draw a sheep to the little prince.
Next, when the pilot draw a sheep to the little prince he asked the pilot that what the sheep will eat ?
the pilot answered was as this the sheep will eat all kinds of plant .After that the little prince worried about his Unique flower.Also he was angry because the pilot didn't tell him that before he draw the sheep.Then, the little prince and the pilot fighting together After that the pilot tried to reform his airplane to go back to his planet.
Then,the little prince had has three Volcanoes in his planet,and one of these Volcanoes will erupts soon. the little prince was too sad because he has to move out of his planet and he was covered his flower by glasses because he was worried about it.The Bird helped the little prince to travel to another planet.he meat a lot of person During his trip as the king ,the Businessman ,and Arrogant man. Also he stopped on more than one plant ,but he didn't like to live on any of these planet.
After that, he meat the Geographic man and he suggested  to the little prince to visit the earth.Than the little prince go to the earth and he was Search about people because he wanted to find friends.
finally, in the earth the little prince knew many things .For example, he award that there is a lot of flowers which look likes his flower. Also he learned a lot from the people and he got experience from his trip.I like this story it is to useful because it has many new words.Also it is too interesting story for both children and adults. 

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