
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Saudi Stereotypes


  1. I think so, because I am also think Saudi is a rich country.

  2. I think he is really right, most people really talk about what he was talk about.
    They speak about that they are very rich, oil, and what kind of food they usually eat.

  3. it's so true people thinks we are like that :(

  4. Yeah, I am rich man :)
    Thanks Allah for everything

  5. this tube talking about very important issue. Every one from another country thought that all Saudis people are rich.But I disagree with that we have a lot of poor people in my country.Even my country try to help the poor people but we stile have poor people in Saudi Arabia. that true we have oil and many people can find good food ,but the live is difficult and there are a lot of poor people:( I really feel angry when I heard someone from my country said that we are rich and we can buy this and this and I think they are exaggeration. My country is rich ,but that not means all Saudis are rich :) thank you

    1. yeah i agree with you not all Saudis are rich, but i disagree with you when you said that "there are a lot of people are poor". We don't have many poor people. As a matter of fact, compering to other countries Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest rates for the poor people.

  6. lol

    I like this video.

    I will give him subscribe.;)

  7. lllllooooll

    I will subscribe with him.

    that is all');

  8. muhammed nomas

    I disagree with you. we have a lot of poor people in our country.
