We have many countries in the world and all of these countries have differences things .We can find these differences things from the location ,weather,and culture (language) .because of these things we have different between Saudi Arabia and England.
The first difference thing between Saudi Arabia and England is the location , Saudi Arabia's located in East Asia ,but the England located in Europe.Naturally we have different between these two countries because their located in different continents.Also the begets city in Saudi Arabia is Riyadh,and the begets London .But the have same regime so both of these countries have royal regime.
the second difference between Saudi Arabia and England is the weather.The weather in Saudi Arabia is more hot than the weather in England in the summer ,also the Saudi Arabia's weather is mild in the winter and we don't have a lot of rain and snow in the winter as what they have in England .So the weather in England is very cool.
The third differences between Saudi Arabia and England are the culture and the language .Naturally we have different on both cultures and languages between these countries because we have different location, and religions.I will write one example that shows what the different between these countries's cultures.So the Saudis men wear long dress they called it (Thoob),and the Saudis women have to cover their hair because of their culture and their religions.However the men in the England wearing suit ,and the women there can wear whatever they want.Also the languages and the religions in both of these countries are different.People in Saudi Arabia speak Arabic and their religion is Islam.But the people in England speak English and their religion is Christianity.
In conclusion, all countries have different things ,but all people in the wold have to respect these differences and understand all these differences. In fact we have many differences things between Saudi Arabia and England ,but both of these countries have a good contact together .Also they help each others .so we have to be always friendly together to live together in this wold.
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