Saudi Arabia and U.S.A
Since I came to U.S.A
on OCT 2011 I was thinking about my life and, what I
would do there. However, I was very afraid because I would go to the
country I did not know
any things about it. But when I went to U.S.A I was surprised. I realized that there are many
things that are different from what
I use to see back home. In other hand there are some
The first difference
is the weather. Saudi Arabia is known for having a dry weather
and it has a desert climate which is very hot in the summer and too cold in
the winter. On the
other hand I found the U.S.A has many kinds of the same climate because, it is much bigger
than Saudi Arabia ,and it is a continent. In Saudi Arabia it is too strange
if I see someone
riding a bike in the street unlike the U.S.A. It is popular to see people
in U.S doing their
hobbies in the streets riding bikes, running , and doing an exercise.
The other differences
I have found are that the people in the
U.S.A are workaholics
while in my country they are not. I met many people in U.S.A who have more
than one job
like some of my teachers in my school. On the other side, in my country it
is uncommon to
find someone has more than one job just a few of employees have more than
job.Drinking alcohol is illegal in my country and no body can drink inside
the country ,but in
the U.S is Famous wine-making and contain the finest wines also the
drinking in the U.S is
legal but you have to be over 21 years.
However, U.S and Saudi
Arabia have many differences in many ways. I was very
excited when I learned new things in my life and about the U.S.A but, there
are many
similarities between them.
A big similarity is
the relationship between the the usa much families have
a father , mother and siblings as in Saudi Arabia. Both U.S.A and Saudi
Arabia every family has
one of the Parents who take care about the children and the other one have
a work to get the
income. Also, The families in Saudi Arabia are similar to U.S.A they are
helping each other
and connecting together.
To sum up, the U.S.A
and Saudi Arabia are wonderful countries. They have a crazy
rules that are good and bad. Saudi Arabia is my country and U.S.A is the
second country I live
in it . So I am thankful and there is no doubt, I am
lucky boy because I am spending my live between
magnificent countries.
WoOoOoW Saud Arabia is the haven on earth I have heard about it its even better than Hawaii.