
Monday, June 24, 2013

the little prince summary 

          The prince visits several tiny asteroids/ planets, which are inhabited by all sorts of strange character a king, a conceited man, a merchant, and so on who are selfish and petty and successfully convince the little prince that adults are weird. Finally, he makes his way to Earth where he meets a wise fox who teaches him about trust and friendship. The fox’s lessons help the prince realize that he loves his flower, and that she is unique and special because of the relationship they share.
         When he meets the narrator, the prince recounts his adventures to him and the narrator gets to share in the truths on life and love that the little guy has picked up along the way. After eight days in the desert, the narrator is out of water and the plane engine is starting to look unfixable. He and the little prince trek in the desert looking for a well and miraculously find one; also, the engine makes a speedy and surprising recovery.

          The little prince wants to return home to his tiny planet and his beloved flower. The way this is done, apparently, is to get bitten by a poisonous desert snake. This method sounds dubious to the narrator (and to Shmoop), but the prince is all about it. The snake bites the prince, who then collapses and disappears.

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