once upon a time , Read , Medoo ,and Mohamed decicded to take a trip to China .
one day we decided to take a trip . all one of us have to choose 2 nice country . Raed choose to go Indonesie and Mohamed he agree with read but medoo disagree because he was visit it before one year . Also Mohamed choose Italy because he likes there he dream to visit there .Mohamed and raed agree with medoo to go China .Medoo call travel agency to order three tickets to china . he said we want to rent hotel five star for three weeks , after two weeks we get our tickets .Medoo an raed was happy but mohamed said i'm not ready to trip tomorrow. I have a lot of things to doit .and I don't take break from me work . Medoo said call your professor and tell him you want break . Finally , mohameds professor said you can take break . We get our bags and go to Airport
wow, China