
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Little Prince, Chapter 20

In the comment section, write the following:

  1. One sentence chapter summary.
  2. Any questions you have so far.
  3. Five (5) Vocabulary words.


  1. in this chapter when he finished he walked for long time
    He talked with roses. he is demanded, thunderstruck and annoyed.and is about three volcanoes that come up to my knees– and one of them
    perhaps extinct forever.


  2. In this chapter the little prince discovers a garden of roses and he was overcome with sadness. Because his flower had told him that she was the only one of her kind in all the universe

  3. 1.This chapter tells the story of the little prince came to a garden, saw a lot of rose, the rose that the little prince remembered his planet. question.

  4. 1. In this chapter the little prince sees a lot of roses in a garden and talks to himself that why his flower told him she is the only one in his planet?

    3.Extinct and gazed.

  5. In this chapter the little prince discover new gardens

  6. when he was wallek the little prince saw a garden of roses and all roses there look likes his roses in his planet. After he know that his roes is not unique he feel so sad also he cry.

    New words:

  7. 1/ In this chapter the little prince found a garden and ge also found many flowers like his flower and he felt very sad becauce he thought his flower is the only one in the wourld then he stay at grass and cried.

    2/ I don't have any question so far.

    3/ - demanded.

  8. 1-His flower had told him that she was
    the only one of her kind in all the universe.

    2- I don't have any question.

    3-dreadfully- pretend

  9. He is utterly shocked to see so many roses because his flower had told him that she was the only one of her kind in the entire universe.
