
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Little Prince, Chapter 21

In the comment section, write the following:

  1. One sentence chapter summary.
  2. Any questions you have so far.
  3. Five (5) Vocabulary words.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the little prince befriends the fox and tlod him about his secret it was a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."


  3. 1.This section describes the little prince met a fox, a dialogue between them, the little prince wants to make friends, but the fox want to be tamed.
    2.Why the fox wants to be a hunter tames?

  4. 1. In this chapter little prince meets fox and he ask him about the human being. Unfortunately fox doesn't like Men.

    3. Tamed, Monotonous,

  5. in this chapter the little prince met the fox and they became friends

  6. He found a fox and he asked it to be friend with it ,but in the first he oppose .Then,The fox asked the little prince to be friend with him ,but the little prince said that he doesn't have enough time and he has to find people.

  7. 1/ In this chapter he talked with the fox and also they talked about tame then he tamed the fox and the fox tell him a secret.

    2/ I don't have any questions so far.

    3/ - passerby.
    - tame.
    - departure.
    - neglected.

  8. 1-She is unique and special because of the relationship he shares with her.

    2- I DON't have any question.

    3-.underneath - ordinary- passerby

  9. After the fox is tamed, the prince decides he has to keep moving. This makes the fox really unhappy. The prince gets sad, too. To ensure that the prince understands this, the fox instructs him to once again visit the rose garden.
