
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

what are the differences between children and adult?

     There are a lot of differences  things between children an adults. Regardless of that some children have big mind and some times make the adults surprised  about what they know,but the kids stay kids.So the differences things between the children and adults are that the children have a big imagination mind,but the adults don't have  big imagination as the kids, the children have to take the orders from their parents,but the adults can do whatever they want ,and the children always need the adults people to help them in their lives.
      Fires of all . the children have big imagination mind than the adults.For example,when the children watch T.V (cartoon movies) they think that the story is true . Also they imagine that they are as the main character.However, the adults don't imagine that when they watch movies.

      The second difference between the children and adults is that the children have to take order-es from their parents. That means the children have to ask their parents if they could do that before they do it. For example; the children have to ask their parents whether they can go to ply outside or not.Unlike, the adults don't have to ask their parents about any things and they can do whatever they want. But they can take some advice from their parents when they want.

      The third difference between the children and  the adults is that the children always need the adults people to help them in their lives.Even though, the adults can do every things by themselves and without any help from another person. That means the adults are more responsibility than the children.For example; the adults people sch as; the parents help the children to choose good friends also they take care about children's health.

       In conclusion, the childhood is on of the human age phases and it is a great phases .Also the adulthood is not only one of human age phases, but also is a great phase . So in the both phases we live a good lives ,but we have  a lot of differences things on both these phases.        

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